Smell ya l8r
We can’t remember when the idea came up, but for years we’ve always talked about doing a big RTW trip. It was always a distant idea. Never something I actually thought we would be able to do.
But, for anyone who knows us, some of our extreme planning won’t come as a surprise—which made the trip possible. We charted out every country we’ve every talked about, and of course researched and added more and more and more. We hate cold weather and hate everyone who thinks cold weather is a good thing, so of course we made countless routes, plotting out each country based on our ideal temperature (something like absolute lowest 70…and only at night.) Our ideal maximum heat is unlimited. Below is just a really small snapshot of some of our very initial planning. We considered many options, which way around the world to travel, length of travel, length of time in each country, temperature, and a million other things. It is every bit as crazy as you think.
I had a lot of doubts leading up to the trip.
We knew it would be so hard to leave Snowie, we both loved our jobs and were in the middle of amazing projects, I have an pretty bad fear of flying and in general I am actually insanely scared of everything. But mostly, I felt very selfish doing a trip like this.